Let’s revisit the most interesting SEA-EU initiatives that took place in 2024:
January: SEA-EU Congress 2024 in Algarve.
The University of Malta Pro-Rectors Prof. Frank Bezzina and Prof. Valerie Sollars, together with Dr Ritienne Gauci attended the SEA-EU Congress where representatives from 9 SEA-EU universities and 33 global institutions signed the Global Gateway Declaration, a commitment to addressing coastal challenges and promoting sustainable development.
February and March: Call for student-led projects.
SEA-EU opened for the first time the call for student-led projects enabling students to win up to EUR 3,000 for their projects. UM students took part in 4 awarded projects.
At the same time, we have opened a call for SEA-EU student research grants in the area of Blue Economy awarding a total of 3 projects.
UM representation including the UM Rector engaged in pivotal discussions at SEA-EU Governing Week in Bodo. During this event, UM Rector Prof. Alfred J. Vella assumed the Rotating Rector Coordinator role, leading SEA-EU initiatives and preparations for the alliance's next Governing Week in Malta.
June: UM hosted the first “Being SEA-EU” Conference"
The BEING SEA-EU conference in Malta brought together 300 researchers from nine European universities to present interdisciplinary research, foster collaboration, and explore the future of European coastal regions.
September: SEA-EU Concert in Naples.
The SEA-EU Office in Naples organised a concert to bring our universities together through music. The artists came from SEA-EU universities and were selected through a competition. UM was represented by two students from the UM School of Performing Arts.
November: SEA-EU Short Film Festival Screening
November: SEA-EU Governing Week in Malta.
The University of Malta hosted the SEA-EU Governing Week at its Valletta Campus, bringing together nearly 100 representatives from nine partner universities to discuss the alliance's future initiatives. The event programme was full featuring meetings of various committees and councils joining high-profile attendees.
During the Governing Week with our rector at the helm, the governance structure took on a true alliance dimension. Key milestones included the establishment of the new Rectors’ Council, and the introduction of two working groups for Vice-Rectors of Education and Research, which opened up possibilities for deeper institutional cooperation. In addition, the alliance endorsed a financial working group and approved four joint degree programmes.
During the Governing Week, we welcomed the new SEA-EU coordination team and had a chance to celebrate the achievements of SEA-EU student-led projects. The week concluded with the transition of the SEA-EU presidency to Kiel University paving the way for dynamic months ahead.
See the video message from UM Rector, Prof. Alfred J. Vella, summarising the Governing Week in Malta.
Besides, SEA-EU facilitates staff exchanges by organising international SEA-EU Staff Weeks. In 2024, in cooperation with the International Office, SEA-EU sent 14 staff members on international exchanges to the SEA-EU partner countries. In addition, 20 experts from UM attended various international in-person meetings contributing to the progress of the alliance.