Ms Lucienne Bugeja and Ms Sarah Sammut have attended a SEA-EU Staff Week on Food and Event management, at the Parthenope University of Naples, from 12 to 14 of February 2024.
The Staff Week underlined the importance of enhancing the local culture to participants during an event. Food culture and its economic outcome was one of the main topics discussed. A mix of presentations, debates and practical work during the three days enabled participants to not simply learn about but also truly experience the local Neapolitan food, tradition and culture. This gave them the opportunity to compare the approaches of the different countries represented during the sessions.
The experience also provided the opportunity for organisational networking and the UM representatives could actively contribute in the creative space for discussions on improving event management. They participated in presentations and workshops to share experiences and learn about best practices in the sector. The event was a wonderful way of increasing and updating the knowledge of participants while strengthening the relationship between the SEA-EU Alliance university administrative staff.
The trip was organised as part of an effort to facilitate internationality at the university and coordinated by the SEA-EU Office at UM. The beneficiaries that participated in this Staff Week were supported by the International Office via the Erasmus+ funding.