On 22 and 24 April 2024, students conducting research related to French Didactics, Linguistics and Literature at the University of Malta showcased their work by giving presentations to staff and students of the University of Malta and of the Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran in Algeria in two sessions of ‘doctoriales’ (research meetings). Algerian students presented their own areas of study in high-tech domains. The students at both Universities had the opportunity to practise presentation skills related to their topic of expertise, to hold academic discussions about their research area, and to learn about and discuss the topics presented by their peers. The interdisciplinary research meetings demonstrated the range and variety of research being undertaken at the University of Malta in relation to French.
Research in the field of Didactics concerned Assessment, Motivation in language learning and Teachers’ motivational strategies. In the field of Literature, studies concerned the correspondence between French authors Paulhan and Jouhandeau and an in-depth analysis of George Sand’s La Ville Noire. In the area of Linguistics, one study concerned Preformation in the writings of Sainte-Elisabeth de la Trinité, and another, based on an original transcribed corpus, concerned the Pragmatic value of Imperatives and Interrogatives in TikTok Reels. Students received praise for the research methods they employed in carrying out their studies and their interesting findings and conclusions. These ‘Doctoriales’ were organised by Dr Anne-Marie Bezzina Busuttil and Prof. Dominique Lanni from the Department of French of the Faculty of Arts.