To mark the 9 May, Europe Day, the Institute for European Studies organises a Quiz Night. The Quiz has become an annual event and is generously funded by the European Commission's Representation in Malta. This year, the quiz took place on 8 May at the Vivaldi Hotel and was opened by Mr Mark Vella of the Representation and Prof. Mark Harwood, Director of the Institute. Sixteen teams participated with the winning team being Fondi f’idejna, with Tuna l-ewwel post u niefqu niġu and eurhopeless placing second and third.
To complement the annual Quiz Night, the Institute also held a Secondary School Quiz to mark Europe Day. The Quiz was held on 3 May at Campus Hub. The event was opened by Ms Julia Abid, of the Representation, alongside Prof Mark Harwood. While organised by the Institute for European Studies, with the help of the European Studies Organisation (ESO), the event was funded by the European Commission's Representation in Malta. The event was compered by Matthew Zammit and Alexia Farrugia, third year students at the Institute for European Studies.
Thirteen schools participated:
- Bishop's Conservatory Secondary School Gozo
- St Ignatius College Handaq
- Maria Regina Secondary School
- Sacred Heart Minor Seminary Gozo
- St Albert the Great College
- St Benedict College
- St Clare College Pembroke Secondary
- St Ignatius Secondary School Handaq
- St. Martin's College
- St.Nicholas College Dingli Secondary School
- St Thomas More secondary Zejtun
- Verdala Secondary School
- Saint Joseph Sliema
The winning team was Saint Benedict College with Saint Claire's College placing second and Saint Martin's College placing third.
The plan is to hold the quiz on an annual basis.