The online voting for Project BYTHOS is now open!
About the Project
Project BYTHOS, Biotechnologies For Human Health and Blue Growth, co-financed by the Interreg Italia-Malta Programme and of which the University of Malta is a member, is among the 5 finalists in the category “A competitive and smart Europe” of the European RegioStars Award.
The project, which sees the participation of Sicilian and Maltese partners, was selected among the 262 applications received.
BYTHOS utilised side streams from the fish processing industry to create ingredients for human and animal wellbeing. Bioactive molecules with health-promoting properties were extracted for use in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmetics.
Read about the project in an article which was previously published on Newspoint.
Finalists will be awarded with the Public Choice Award during a REGIOSTARS ceremony.
Any EU citizen is welcome to cast their vote till 9 October 2024 (12:00 noon).
Online voting is now open!