A one-day conference focusing on Early Childhood Education and Care in the Mediterranean region was held recently with the participation of academics from Algeria, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Cyprus.
The conference, which was organised by UM's Pro-Rector for Strategic Planning & Sustainability, Prof. Valerie Sollars, followed a one-day intensive meeting in connection with a forthcoming publication which will bring together several country chapters and contributions focusing on the availability and accessibility of early years services and associated challenges.
During the conference, Prof Habib Tiliouine, Prof Sofia Avgitidou, Prof Mehmet Toran, Prof. Maura Striano, Dr Fetiye Erbril, Dr Nicoletta Christodoulu and Prof. Valerie Sollars spoke about services and challenges in their respective countries.
Apart from the discussions which followed the presentations, Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino and Dr Josephine Deguara were invited to act as critical friends with their analysis of the salient issues.
The two day event was partially funded by Xjenza Malta through IPAS + funding.