Strategic partnerships between universities and industries are becoming a necessity to bridge the world of academia with the demands of a rapidly evolving workforce. Such partnerships promise mutual benefits: on the one hand, universities gain from having their curricula enriched with real-world relevance, ensuring their graduates are sought after; on the other hand, industries benefit from receiving graduates conversant with the latest knowledge and skills.
In line with the University of Malta’s Strategic Theme IV – Enterprise and Industry Impact – a series of monthly meetings aimed at developing synergies between academia and industry players from key economic sectors were recently launched. These meetings offer a space for an open discussion where UM listens to the challenges and concerns of industry, whilst industry representatives may better understand the research, teaching and human resource outputs of the University. With a greater appreciation for the work on both sides, there could be further networking engagements at various levels, in a manner of mutual interest and benefit.
In the first forum, Rector, Prof. Alfred Vella, Prof. Valerie Sollars, the Pro-Rector for Strategic Planning and Sustainability, and Dr Ivan Mifsud and Prof. Emanuel Said the Deans of the Faculties of Laws and Economics, Management & Accountancy, together with academics from both entities welcomed representatives from the Financial Services Industry. During the meeting the two sides discussed the human resource requirements of the industry and how the University and industry can cooperate to address the challenges of this dynamic industry.
Dr Joe Schembri, a resident-academic at FEMA is assisting the UM Strategic Committee in planning and organising these fora.