On Wednesday 23 October, workshop was held during the launch of the Nudging Active Travel Project Totem Poles by the Western Region Council held at the Xarolla Windmill, Zurrieq. The workshop was guided by Raffaella Zammit- RSO and M.Phil student, supervised by Prof. Maria Attard- ICCSD. The aim of this workshop was three-fold, to engage with participants to experience the walking and cycling Totem Poles, to employ walking-interviews and co-design methodologies and to collect feedback from the participants exploring the intersection of urban nature and active travel.
The workshop had a strong intergenerational participation of local residents hailing from Zurrieq and Safi as well as people interested in active mobility ensuring a diversity of stakeholders. The group discussed the physical pedestrian infrastructure needed, and how nature can be integrated into the urban environment. The potential to integrate nature was discussed and issues brought up included the type of green infrastructure, their extent, opportunities, maintenance requirements and land ownership.
The workshop provided fodder for further research and collaboration, particularly the methods used, as well as the needs and opportunities identified by the participants. Considering the latest Emissions Gap report by the United Nations (2024) which has categorically stated the need for immediate implementation of carbon neutral policies, actionable research is essential for sustainable change.