Radio discussion programme One To One, hosted by Prof. Michael Briguglio, will be entering its third season on Campus 103.7, as from the first week of January 2025. It covers social, political, environmental, and cultural topics, and guests are experts in their respective fields. The programme is held in the Maltese language.
The first guest for season 3, Prof. Lydia Sciriha, will be discussing bilingualism.
The programmes are also being made available in on-demand format available online.
Programmes during the 3rd season will be broadcast every Friday at 14:00, with repetitions on Friday at 21:00 and Saturday at 11:30.
The programmes are also being made available in on-demand format available online.
Further information, including topics and guests of all programmes, is available online.
Michael Briguglio is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta.