The European Commission’s Deputy Director General of Interpretation, Carlos Alegria, recently met students on the University of Malta’s Master in Interpreting course, as well as Pro-Rector Professor Godfrey Baldacchino, Professor Joseph Eynaud, Head of the Department for Translation, Terminology, and Interpreting Studies, and lecturers in interpreting studies.
Carlos Alegria spoke to students about what makes a good interpreter, emphasising along the
way that, in addition to languages and technique, reading in one's own mother tongue and having a sound basis in general knowledge also form an essential part of the equation.
Referring to his own background in economics and how he started out in interpreting, Carlos
Alegria explained to students that one does not necessarily need to have a first degree in languages to study interpreting. Carlos Alegria referred to the European Commission's DG
Interpretation's long-standing support to the Master in Interpreting Studies course at the
University of Malta and wished students good luck with their studies.
Prof. G. Baldacchino and Prof. J. Eynaud thanked Mr Alegria for the financial and pedagogical support that the European Commission – SCIC gives to the Department.
Interpreting Studies, as an area of study, combines the underlying theoretical issues involved in literary, technical, screen, legal, scientific and commercial translation, publishing, localization and management with the practical aspects of the translation process. The programme is of interest to all graduates whatever their future career route: commercial, legal, scientific or technical translation, literary or screen translation, localization, research, teaching or management.
The programme caters for a wide range of students who wish to acquire a critical understanding of contemporary issues in translation alongside the practical skills required in today’s fast evolving translation industry. Versatility and employability are thus enhanced. At the end of their studies, graduates find work as free-lance/permanent translators and interpreters for EU Institutions.