The University of Malta is currently receiving applications for Units in its Programme in the Liberal Arts and Sciences (PLAS) being offered between February and May. The Programme allows prospective students the flexibility of studying at their own pace by registering for any and as many Units as they wish. Each Unit consists of around 28 hours of lectures, normally held between 18:00 and 20:00 and spread over 14 weeks.
Units on offer in the upcoming semester include subjects such as Economics, Philosophy, Criminology, Science Fiction, Sanskrit Culture, Marketing, Human Geography, the Maltese Constitution, Astronomy, Classical Myths, Dinosaurs and the Evolution of Life on Earth, the history of the Maltese Language and Decorative Arts. A number of specialised PLAS Tech Units in the field of ICT as well as an intensive Unit on Decision-Making and Strategic Foresight are also being offered.
PLAS attracts both first-time students and graduates seeking opportunities for personal as well as professional development. Information on individual units and application fees can be found on the website of the Centre for the Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS). The deadline for submitting online applications is Monday 16 January 2017.