Volume 9 Issue 2 of the International Journal of Emotional Education (IJEE) has just been published by the Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health. It is a special issue on social and emotional learning and diversity guest edited by Dr Therese Skoog (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) and Dr Birgitta Kimber (University of Umea, Sweden). The edition contains 9 papers by authors from Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Norway, Taiwan, UK and USA, as well a book reviews section.
The IJEE is a biennial, peer-reviewed, international, electronic journal which is distributed free of charge and supported by an international board of reviewers with high level expertise in the field. It is indexed by various international indices like SCOPUS, PsycINFO, ERIC, ProQuest, Google Scholar and Web of Science amongst others.
The Journal may be accessed at www.um.edu.mt/ijee.
The Journal may be accessed at www.um.edu.mt/ijee.