Ph.D. student Ing. Jeremy Scerri, at the Department of Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics, received the Gold Leaf Award for a paper he presented at the 14th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2018).
The conference was held from 2 to 5 July 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic. The paper he presented is titled 'Exploiting non-linearities to improve the linear region in an electrostatic MEMS demodulator' and is co-authored by Prof. Ivan Grech (supervisor), Barnaby Portelli, Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt and Dr Ing. Owen Casha. The Gold Leaf Award is given to the top 10 per cent papers, based on the reviewer’s and the awards-committee's evaluation.
Other Ph.D. researchers at the same Department attended PRIME 2018 together with Prof. Ing. Edward Gatt. Ph.D. student Jordan Lee Gauci presented a paper titled 'On the Design of a Linear Delay Element for the Triggering Module at CERN LHC' and Ph.D. student Ing. Francarl Galea presented another paper titled 'Ultra Low Frequency Low Power CMOS Oscillators for MPPT and Switch Mode Power Supplies'.