Biobank game at Science in the City, European Researchers' Night in Valletta today
Event marks opening of European Researchers’ Night - Science in the City 2018
The official app of the University of Malta for students and staff
Exemplary scholarship by contributing to international school psychology that merits special recognition
New German-Maltese research project started
The short course starts in October and runs over nine weeks
Two and a half years of hard work and steep learning for the engineering team behind UM’s MEMENTO project
Focusing on arrangements that are in place for the Kuwaiti scholarship students at UM and encouraging the development of academic relations with universities and research centres in Kuwait
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players
Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat
Global Representative-at-Large of the Division, 78th AOM (USA) annual meeting
Pharmacists: Your Medicine Experts