Early in February, Professor Peter Mayo was guest speaker at a seminar organised by the Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. At the seminar, Prof. Mayo spoke about 'Gramsci: Power, Culture and Education'.
At the seminar, Professor Eugenio Enrique Cortez-Ramirez (UCLM) (first left) delivered a talk on 'La TeorÃa Cultural de Raymond Williams'. The seminar was chaired by Juan Carlos Gómez Alons (right).
The talk was one in the research seminar series, on Literary Theory and Comparative Literature organised by the Research Group C[PyR] Communication, Poetics and Rhetoric, at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
At the seminar, Professor Eugenio Enrique Cortez-Ramirez (UCLM) (first left) delivered a talk on 'La TeorÃa Cultural de Raymond Williams'. The seminar was chaired by Juan Carlos Gómez Alons (right).
The talk was one in the research seminar series, on Literary Theory and Comparative Literature organised by the Research Group C[PyR] Communication, Poetics and Rhetoric, at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.