Professor Sandra C. Buttigieg has been re-confirmed Global Member-at-Large of the Health Care Management Division of the American Academy of Management (AOM) at the 79th Annual Meeting of AOM (USA), held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The Academy of Management (AOM) is the leading professional association for management and organisation scholars with its worldwide members include academics and practitioners in business and related social sciences. AOM’s global community comprises nearly 20,000 members from more than 120 countries. Healthcare Management Division is one its 25 Divisions and Interest Groups.
This year's conference theme “Understanding the Inclusive Organization” asks the questions: What are the characteristics of inclusive organizations? Are these characteristics generalizable across cultures? How do inclusive organizations differ from porous or boundaryless organizations? What is inclusive practice? What are the effects of inclusion on employee, organizational, or societal outcomes? How do organizational structures, cultures, and/or identities contribute to, or detract from, organizational inclusiveness? How do institutional or societal contexts impact organizational inclusiveness? Do the meaning and import of inclusion differ across stakeholder groups? Are there critical perspectives on organizational inclusion that move beyond managerialism? What methodologies may be used to study inclusive organizations? How can we create more inclusive learning environments?
Professor Buttigieg was one of seventeen Chairs/Discussants for AOM-HCM paper sessions at the 2019 annual meeting. She served as Chair and Discussant of the highly interactive session "Systems and networks in health care delivery", which was held on August 11 2019, at Sheraton Boston Hotel. The papers discussed were presented by academics in healthcare management from University at Albany, State University of New York, US; Augusta University, Georgia, US; University of Freiburg, Germany; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, US; New York University, New York City, US; University of North Florida, US; and University of Toronto and University of Ottawa, Canada.
Professor Sandra C. Buttigieg is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Health Services Management at the Faculty of Health Sciences.