The University of Malta's Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat has been appointed to form part of the EU Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health for the period 2019-2022.
According to the European Commission's official website, this group is an interdisciplinary and independent group established by the European Commission to provide non-binding advice on matters related to effective, accessible and resilient health systems. The Expert Panel aims to support DG SANTE in its efforts towards evidence-based policy-making, to inform national policy making in improving the quality and sustainability of health systems and to foster EU level cooperation to improve information, expertise and the exchange of best practices.
Appointed in a personal capacity, they are well-established, independent scientists, with over 10 years' professional and multi-disciplinary experience in health area.
The University of Malta staff wishes Dr Azzopardi Muscat all the very best with this new appointment.
More information about this can be acquired from the EC website.