Professor Ruben Paul Borg, academic at the Faculty for the Built Environment, was appointed Convenor on the International Federation For Structural Concrete (Federation international de Beton fib), the leading International organisaton for Concrete Materials and Structural Engineering.
Prof. Borg has been an active delegate on fib technical scientific committees for several years and was elected Convenor of TG7.8 addressing Industrial Byproducts and Waste Materials for High Performance Concrete, by the fib Technical Council.
Prof. Borg graduated in Architecture and Civil Engineering (Hons) at the University of Malta, and completed doctoral studies with a Specialisation Degree in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy and PhD in Materials Engineering at the Department of Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield UK. Prof. Borg served for several years on the Board of the European Council of Civil Engineers ECCE as Chairman for Research and Innovation and on the Board of Directors of the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE). He founded Sustainable Built Environment SBE Malta as a National Chapter. Prof. Borg is on the Executive Board of the Building Industry Consultative Council, Malta Representative of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) and was appointed Expert on CEN TC350 for Sustainability of Construction, CEN TC250 Structural Eurocode and the European Union Construction Products Regulations Aquis.
Prof. Borg is recipient of a number of awards including the Energy Globe Award 2013 (Sustainable Refurbishment and adaptive reuse of Industrial Heritage, the Radio Relay Station New Sustainable Development Centre, Malta); the Prix d’ Honneur in Conservation and the Judge Caruana Curran overall Conservation Project Award by Din l-Art Helwa; and the International Energy Globe Award 2022 (Restoration of the Reinforced Concrete Water Tower Industrial Heritage).
Prof. Borg has also served as research project Principal Investigator at the University of Malta and led research on several International and National Research Projects including Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Interreg Projects in Ultra-High Performance Concrete, recycling of industrial by-products and Resilience of Coastal Built Environment and Heritage. He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and technical scientific reports. He is visiting Professor at international institutions and serves as External Reviewer of the PhD programmes in International Universities and research funding Institutions. He is co-editor of leading International Journals in materials and structural engineering.
Prof. Borg is recipient of a number of awards including the Energy Globe Award 2013 (Sustainable Refurbishment and adaptive reuse of Industrial Heritage, the Radio Relay Station New Sustainable Development Centre, Malta); the Prix d’ Honneur in Conservation and the Judge Caruana Curran overall Conservation Project Award by Din l-Art Helwa; and the International Energy Globe Award 2022 (Restoration of the Reinforced Concrete Water Tower Industrial Heritage).