The Institute for Sustainable Energy of the University of Malta is organising its annual conference entitled:
Tuesday 11 October 2016
The Paris Climate Agreement Signing Ceremony on 22 April 2016 marked the beginning of a new era for Climate Change commitment by a record 177 countries, with some 16 island states immediately ratifying it on the same day. As one of the signatories Malta has its role to play, especially given the fact that Malta has supported this cause as early as 1988. It is in this spirit of solidarity with our planet that scientists and engineers strive to solve today’s energy problems through simple, innovative and affordable solutions.
This conference aims at bringing the latest developments in the energy fields to the attention and knowledge of all stakeholders. The areas of interest cover many topics ranging from solar photovoltaic cell development, buildings, energy efficiency in industry, energy end-use efficiency, efficient energy production, energy policy, renewable energy applications, energy education and water technologies.
The Call for Papers is open to all interested parties, including but not limited to professionals, researchers, Masters and Ph.D. students, industry specialists, public authorities and others.
The Abstract shall not exceed 2 pages and shall include:
- Title of the Paper;
- Name/s of Author/s and their affiliation/s;
- Name of corresponding author and e-mail address;
- Aim of the paper;
- Approach;
- Main Results;
- Conclusion.
The deadline for submission of Abstracts is Monday 18 July 2016
Accepted abstracts shall be notified by 25th July 2016
The following conditions shall apply:
1. At least one author/co-author of each accepted paper shall register to the conference in order to publish the paper.
2. Scripts of accepted papers are to be handed in for inclusion in the Conference’s Electronic (CD) Proceedings by 1st October 2016.
3. Authors of accepted papers shall be requested to prepare either an oral presentation or a colour poster (at the discretion of the evaluation committee).
4. A CD of proceedings with an ISBN number shall be published. The proceedings may also be posted on the Institute’s website after the end of the conference.
5. The evaluation committee reserves the right to reject any submissions.
For further enquiries or to send your abstract please contact: Eur Ing Dr Charles Yousif or by calling on: (+356) 23403426,(+356) 23407831, (+356) 21650675.