ESPON Seminar 'Territorial Cohesion Post-2020: Integrated Territorial Development for Better Policies'
Sofia, 30-31 May 2018 - The main theme of the seminar, which is organised in cooperation with the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU, is territorial cohesion in post 2020 planning period. The seminar programme is designed to gather insights and seek answers how can different policies and planning tools improve a direction towards more integrated and inclusive territorial development.
Registration is open until 16 May 2018.
Further information, programme and registration at the ESPON Website.
Open Call for Tenders
Development of a tool regarding 'Functional Urban Areas and Regions in Europe'
The service contract shall develop tools which help to benchmark and analyse data on the current situation and recent trends in functional urban areas and other functional regions in Europe using a set of indicators. The main outcome should be an updated ESPON OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) cube and a practical and communicative web tool integrating the ESPON OLAP cube functionalities.
The maximum available budget for this contract is EUR 400,000.00 exclusive of VAT.
Deadline 27 April 2018 at 15:00 (CET - Central European Time).
Further information at the ESPON Website.
ESPON Targeted Analyses - Open invitation to submit proposals
The next cut-off date for the submission of proposals for Targeted Analyses is 22 June 2018. Further information at the ESPON Website.
Vacancy – Project Expert/European Outreach
The ESPON EGTC is looking for a Project Expert/European Outreach for a period of 2 years. Deadline for applications: 20 April 2018. Further information at the ESPON Website.