is currently spearheading an initiative together with some of Malta’s industry leaders to offer assistance to start-ups and tertiary students who have an innovative concept but don’t have the experience to move their concept forward from an industry perspective.
This initiative will benefit local tech start-ups and students by providing pro-bono, unbiased feedback from an external perspective, management advice, strategic planning and marketing tactics. This initiative will see partners offering a predetermined number of hours of free consultancy to eligible beneficiaries, providing their expertise in key areas such as validating a digital concept/product, market assessment and go-to-market strategies, digital strategy and digital transformation, e-commerce and digital marketing.
To this effect, has already contacted a number of Faculties at the UM in order to set up virtual meetings for final year students and academic members of staff.
Further details regarding the initiative may be obtained by accessing the website.
Reach out to your respective faculties for more info!