A Call is being published for the provision of part-time expert services in the field of chemical laboratory analyses, for a maximum duration of SIX (6) months, within the ambit of the Interreg Italia-Malta 2014-2020 BYTHOS EXTEND project.
1. Applications are invited for an external expert to work on BYTHOS EXTEND, a project financed by the InterregV-A Programme in which the Department of Geosciences at the University of Malta is a partner.
2. The main tasks of the engaged expert include the following:
- Identification of any missing glassware and reagents needed by the University of Malta in order to achieve its objectives within the project;
- Acquisition of the same glassware and reagents through a direct involvement within the relevant procurement process;
- Optimisation of the BAMs (Biologically Active Molecules) extraction protocols for jellyfish and fish as acquired from literature or from the BYTHOS EXTEND Coordinator;
- Conduction of the relevant chemical analyses in order to extract collagen and other BAMs from jellyfish and waste fish, as dictated within project implementation stages;
- Participation within project meetings taking place locally or in Sicily (travelling expenses to Sicily will be entirely borne by the University of Malta through project funds);
- Delivery of (i) a report on the work conducted to the BYTHOS EXTEND Principal Investigators Prof. Alan Deidun and Prof. Marion Zammit Mangion by the 30 September 2023 by the very latest.
3. The ideal candidate needs to have at least an undergraduate degree in Biology, having specialised, at dissertation level, on the thematic of biotechnology.
4. Additionally, previous experience in the extraction of BAMs from marine biota as well as a previous participation in EU-funded projects, particularly those funded within the ambit of the Interreg Italia-Malta Framework, will be considered an asset.
5. The awardee needs to be in possession of his own transport and the fuel will not be reimbursed.
6. The engagement will last for a maximum of SIX (6) months from receipt of appointment letter, over the April-September 2023 period, with the selected candidate expected to invest a minimum of 20 logged hours per week over the same period (6 months) and for being responsible to transfer the results of his/her own work to Prof. Alan Deidun by the 30 September 2023 by the latest.
7. Payment will be transferred by the University of Malta payable against the issuance of two VAT invoices. The first payment will be issued after three months following the provision of an interim report. The second payment will be issued to the selected candidate at the end of the engagement, following the presentation of a final report.
8. Total remuneration for the engagement is that of €7,000, exclusive of 18% VAT and the same engagement cannot be extended beyond the 30 September 2023.
Application deadline: Friday 10 March 2023
Submissions can be sent to Prof Alan Deidun by email