Attention STEM Academics: Creativity and Gamification Training
As part of the ThinkGame Erasmus+ project (in which UM is a partner), STEM Academics at University of Malta are invited to attend a two-day training session on creativity and gamification on 12 and 13 March 2024. Places are limited. Those interested are to contact Prof. Sandra Dingli by email as soon as possible.
The training will take place at the University of Malta’s Msida Campus. STEM Academics from Universities in Romania (two universities), Portugal and Spain will be attending the session. An agenda will be emailed to those who are interested in attending.
The session will be led by Prof. Sandra Dingli and Dr Margaret Mangion from The Edward de Bono Institute, Dr Vanessa Camilleri and Dr Josef Bajada from the Faculty of ICT and Prof. Adina Cocu from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of Automatic Control, Computing, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati, Romania.
This training session offers STEM academics an opportunity to expand their knowledge on creativity and gamification and it will, in due course, give participants access to online training material and online lectures.