The International Ocean Institute (IOI) is once again offering the Elisabeth Mann Borgese Bursary (EMB Bursary) consisting of a sum of 3,500 Euro which may be used in furthering research studies over the period of a year.
The Bursary will be awarded to one person/research team carrying out postgraduate studies/research in ocean/marine/maritime related studies at the University of Malta. Staff or students are to be registered with the University of Malta where research in the relevant fields is carried out.
The EMB Bursary was established by the International Ocean Institute as a means of demonstrating recognition to the host country of the IOI – Malta – for hosting the IOI Headquarters and providing facilities for staff and offices. The Bursary also constitutes a further recognition and acknowledgement of the role of Prof. E. Mann Borgese, founder of IOI, and of her considerable achievements; the Bursary is financed through the IOI.
The application form is available online. For further questions, please contact IOI Headquarters via email. The application deadline is Sunday 28 July 2024.
Previous winners of the EMB Bursary since 2010 have worked on diverse research areas in geography, conservation genetics, maritime law, engineering, and studies of environment stressors within the scope of marine and maritime related studies at the University of Malta.
Past work has focussed on:
- proposed stakeholder managed Marine Protected Areas in Malta
- the determination of genetic data on the bluntnose six-gill shark for species preservation
- the concept of State of Disembarkation in the context of migration law and its links to principles in UNCLOS
- a study on renewable energy using ocean thermocline energy extraction
- research on the influence of tuna penning activities on macrofaunal assemblages
- microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea
- application of MSP methodologies to deliver the first comprehensive marine spatial plan for Malta’s territorial waters
- the mapping and characterising the subtidal Dendropoma cristatum bioconstructions present along cliff shores
- a preliminary quantitative and qualitive investigation of microplastics sampled from Maltese nearshore waters.