Student Representatives on
Council, Senate, Boards of the Faculties, Institutes, Centres and Schools
The role
Student Representatives are the link between students and the University.
Student Representatives on Council, Senate, Boards of the Faculties, Institutes, Centres and Schools at the University of Malta are committed to:
- make a difference
- achieve change
- improve the students’ experience on campus.
Participation and contribution on the various University Boards will now be officially acknowledged on the transcript. As from academic year 2018/19, a new optional study-unit, PSY2650 – Student Representation at University, has been offered.
This optional study-unit will combine experiential learning with active reflection on that learning. The aim of this study-unit is to facilitate student participation in a number of meetings within University structures and help students develop interpersonal and group skills.
Students can register for PSY2650 as an extra study-unit; this is applicable for students following courses where all study-units are compulsory. Other students can opt for this unit as an optional study-unit. Details are available online.[PDF]
To register for PSY2650 students are expected to:
- be currently student representatives or intending to contest the student representatives elections during the current academic year
- attend the Board Meetings
- attend the 3 Seminars which are held during the year.
The first Seminar will be held on 6 November 2018 between 13:00 and 15:00. Venue to be announced. The other two seminars will be announced at a later stage.
Students are strongly encouraged to register for this study-unit as such training will enable participants to be better and more effective representatives of fellow students.
Contact details
Ms Carmen Mangion
Senior Executive
Office of the Registrar
Room 209 Administration Building
Tel: +356 2340 3736/3696