As from January 2022, RefWorks Legacy is being phased out and will no longer be synchronising with the Publications List available on UM Academic Profile webpage.
To this effect, Publications lists will be generated exclusively via the UM Institutional Repository, OAR@UM. Nevertheless, current Publications Lists generated via RefWorks will be retained until Q2 2022. As from July 2022, Publications lists generated via RefWorks will no longer feature on the UM Academic Profile webpage.
Publications lists generated via OAR@UM will provide the benefit of compiling and publishing a list of publications in a more effective and streamlined fashion. All peer-reviewed publications will be linked from UM Academic Profile page, while a link at the bottom of peer-reviewed list of publications will be made available to expand the list so as to include non-peer reviewed publications and grey literature.
Moreover, any new uploads on OAR@UM will automatically feature on Publications List made available on the UM Academic Profile page.
If you are new to the Publications List process, or wish to migrate/update your Publications List, you are kindly requested to refer to the How to Generate Your Publications List via OAR@UM: a User Guide.
For any further queries please can contact by sending an email to Library’s Open Science Department.