UM academic Dr Valeria Vanesio in collaboration with Dr Ilaria Scaglia (Aston University) recently published the Bloomsbury edited volume Archives and Emotions: International Dialogues Across Past, Present, and Future. UM academic Dr Charles Farrugia contributed to the volume.
This is the first study to put archivists and historians-scholars and practitioners from different settings, geographical provenance, and stages of career-in conversation with one another to examine the interplay of a broad range of emotions and archives, traditional and digital, from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries across national and disciplinary borders.
Drawing on methodologies from the history of emotions and critical archival studies, this book provides an original analysis of two interconnected themes through a selected number of case studies: the emotional dynamics affecting the construction and management of archives; and the emotions and their effects on the people engaging with them, such as archivists, researchers, and a broad range of communities.