As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items. Submissions may be returned to authors if the submission does not adhere to these guidelines:
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor)
The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format
Throughout the article, the text style is "Bookman Old Style" and justified (including titles and references)
The title of the article is in CAPS and bold (font 16 and centred)
The Author’s name (bold, font 16, centred) and affiliation (not bold, font 14, centred) should be placed under the title
There need to be four keywords under the abstract (e.g. Postcolonial, educational reform, pedagogy, social justice)
The titles in the text should be aligned to the left, bold, and in font 14 (1st letter capitalised and the rest small letters). Do not use numbers before the title
The sub-titles in the text should be aligned to the left, not bold, in italics, and in font 14 (1st letter capitalised and the rest small letters). Do not use numbers before the sub-title
Spacing in the text: One space between each title, sub-title, and the following paragraph; throughout the text 1.5
Paragraphs should not be indented;
Referencing: use APA 7th edition
Use single inverted commas for direct quotes (less than 40 words) included in the paragraphs
Direct quotes (above 40 words) from the relevant sources should be indented (after the paragraph) and in font 12 (no inverted commas)
Use footnotes in font 10 if need be (not endnotes)
The use of both British and American English is acceptable. The author needs to be consistent with the British or American English spelling used throughout the article.
Prospective authors are to submit their manuscript as an email attachment directly to the Editorial team:
Professor Carmel Borg
Dr Charmaine Bonello
Dr Nisha Thapliyal
Length and language
Articles should ideally be around 5000 and not more than 7500 words in length and should be accompanied by an abstract in English. The article itself must be in English. Racist, sexist, homophobic and disablist language is to be avoided at all costs.
Submitted Articles will be first vetted by the Editors and then, if adjudged to meet the minimum standard for consideration, will be anonymously refereed twice. In case of major disagreement between the two referees, a third referee will be asked to review the piece.
Articles can be submitted online to one of the editors. Authors need to follow the specifications listed above and not include their name/s, institutional affiliation and other biodata in the article. An accompanying document should be provided, supplying the names of the authors, indicating whether it is equal authorship or first, second, third…authorship ( in case of more than one author), whether the material has been used from other works (the authors are responsible for obtaining copyright clearance and authorisation to use) and acknowledgement of any contributions by others. Funding sources for the research carried out should also be mentioned.
Address of one author, to serve as contact correspondent, needs to be provided in this separate accompanying document, together with her or his email address. No simultaneous submission elsewhere: Manuscripts will be considered for review if submitted to Postcolonial Directions in Education only. A declaration to this effect will be expected from the author/s on submission. Evidence of the manuscript being submitted elsewhere at the same time will result in automatic and outright rejection. We expect reviewers to submit their evaluations within six weeks of receiving the manuscript for review. Discriminatory language (sexist racist, homophobic or any other form of discrimination) is to be avoided at all costs. Papers involving interviews with potentially vulnerable subjects must be accompanied and include a statement indicating that the proposal went through a recognized ethics review committee. Plagiarism is to be avoided at all costs and is considered reprehensible resulting in automatic disqualification of the manuscript in question. It can even result in preventing the author or authors from ever submitting to the journal in future.
The three editors of the Postcolonial Directions in Education are responsible for deciding which of the papers submitted to the journal will be published. Access the Publications Ethics Statement.
Professor Carmel Borg
Dr Charmaine Bonello
Dr Nisha Thapliyal
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.