Department of Dance Studies

About us

About us

The Department of Dance Studies at the University of Malta is a young and dynamic department working towards a balance of focus in both practice and theory. It is a rather unique university department which trains its students heavily in dance techniques, choreography, and technology, as well as offering in-depth theoretical and critical engagement with current research in history, performance studies, pedagogy, and performer’s health. The aim behind this balance of focus is to provide the student and future dance artist with a varied array of options in her/his career, and a series of skills, focused and transferable, which will be of use in his/her future work.

Our courses have been designed to appeal to at least two audience typologies. First, the University of Malta targets students with a number of years of experience of practical dance training who wish to pursue a career in Dance as intending performers, choreographers, teachers, dance journalists, managers and administrators in dance schools, therapists, community dance workers, etc. Second, we encourage the development and lifelong learning of mature students (aged 23+) with a body of practical experience but no theoretical background who wish to learn more about choreography, dance theory, technology and dance, or pedagogy. It is the intention of the University that its programmes work towards cultivating Malta’s own community of dance scholars and dance artist practitioners.

The Dance Studies Department offers an undergraduate programme, as well as postgraduate research at Masters and Doctoral Levels. 


Dance Studies Brochure  


Photo of Dance Tour 2018 by Rafael Mielczarek