Terms of reference

Terms of reference

  1. The Climate Change Platform (CCP) is hosted by the Islands and Small States Institute.

  2. The aims of the Climate Change Platform (CCP) are the following:
    (a) to consolidate collaboration between the University of Malta (UM) entities and academics interested in climate change issues as well as with external partners;
    (b) to promote innovative international as well as country-focused research, teaching and outreach initiatives both within and outside university, and
    (c) to foster cooperation with the private sector, industry, associations and civil society organisations, relating to climate change.

  3. The Climate Change Platform (CCP) shall have the following structure:
    (a) a Board up to a total of eleven members, and up to two student representatives, including a Chair and a Co-ordinator, shall be appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Rector, and after consultation with the Directors/Heads of the Islands and Small States Institute, the Institute for European Studies, the Institute for Sustainable Energy, the Department of Environmental and Resources Law of the Faculty of Laws, the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development, the Centre for Environmental Education and Research, the Institute of Earth Systems, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty for the Built Environment, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Economics Management and Accountancy (FEMA), and the Faculty for Social Wellbeing;
    (b) the Chair of the Board shall be appointed by Senate, on the recommendation of the Rector and chosen from amongst the members of the Board;
    (c) the Co-ordinator of the CCP, selected by the board members, is entrusted to coordinate the day-to-day activities of the CCP and to take initiatives in this regard, in line with the main objectives of the CCP. The Co-ordinator reports to the Board;
    (d) the appointment of the Chair, the Co-ordinator and the members of the Board shall be for a term of two years, which can be renewed.

  4. The platform will operate as a cost centre, subject to the University’s financial regulations.
    Approved by Senate on 14 May 2020; amended on 23 September 2021 and 21 October 2021.
