Historical Demography Platform

Historical Demography Platform

  1. A Platform for Historical Demography is being set up within the Department of History, Faculty of Arts.

  2. The aims of the Platform are the following:
    (a) to organise, build, and maintain a comprehensive historical demographic database for Malta drawn principally from birth, marriage, and death records, as well as any other suitable class of records
    (b) to undertake, publish and facilitate research in the field of historical demography
    (c) to collaborate with other centres of learning at the University of Malta and promote interdisciplinary research and applications
    (d) to hold meetings, seminars, and conferences in which to present research ideas, discuss work in progress and generally promote the sharing of knowledge
    (e) to design and support the delivery of study-units that may be included in the teaching programmes of the History Department, and to encourage student research in this field
    (f) to collaborate with local and foreign centres, programmes and individuals working in the same field
    (g) to undertake any tasks and duties relevant to historical demography which may be assigned by the History Department or required by the University of Malta.

  3. The Platform shall have the following structure:
    (a) The Board shall consist of the Coordinator and three other members appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Department of History, including the chairman from the History Department. The Chairman shall be the Head of the History Department or his delegate.
    (b) The appointment of the Coordinator shall be a permanent one, while the normal members of the Board shall be for two years, which can be renewed.
    (c) The Coordinator shall be responsible for the running of the platform in terms of the aims (a) to (g) outlined above, and for drawing up the annual budget, financial statement and annual report of activities.

  4. The Platform will operate as a cost centre, subject to the University’s financial regulations.

  Approved by Senate on 17 May 2012, Revised in 2014, and on 9 May 2019

Members on the Board of the Historical Demography Platform

Faculty of Arts

Professor Dominic Fenech (Chair)

Professor Simon Mercieca (Coordinator)

Mr Charles Dalli

Professor Victor Mallia Milanes
