- There shall be an Island Tourism Platform (ITP) at the University of Malta, hosted by the Islands and Small States Institute.
- Objectives
2.1. to facilitate collaboration between University of Malta entities and individual University of Malta academics interested in island tourism issues. and
2.2. to promote research and teaching initiatives relating to island tourism at the University of Malta and elsewhere.
- Structure
3.1. The ITP shall have a Board to oversee and guide the Platforms activities, consisting of a total of seven members appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Rector, and after consultation with the Directors of the Islands and Small States Institute (ISSI) and the Institute for Tourism Travel and Culture (ITTC). The members should include two student representatives.
3.2. The Chair and the Vice-chair of the Board shall be appointed by Senate, on the recommendation of the Rector and chosen from amongst the members of the Board.
3.3. The Coordinator of the ITP, shall be selected by the board members, and will be entrusted to coordinate the day to day activities of the ITP and to take initiatives in this regard, in line with the main objectives of the ITP. The Co-ordinator reports to the Board.
3.4. The appointment of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Coordinator and the members of the Board shall be for a term of two years, which can be renewed.
- Procedure
4.1. The Board shall meet at least twice yearly or more frequently as required, face-to-face or virtually.
4.2. The quorum of the meetings of the Board shall be four members.
4.3. In matters, other than frequency of its meetings and its quorum, the Board will regulate its own procedure, provided that any such decisions are approval of at least four members of the Board.
- Membership
5.1. University of Malta members of staff and students will ipso facto become members of the ITP, if they send a written request to this effect to the chairperson of the Board.
5.2. Other persons with an interest in island tourism issues who are willing to contribute towards the objectives of the platform can also become Members, but their membership requires the approval of the Board of the ITP.
- General Meeting of members of the ITP
6.1. A General Meeting of all members of the ITP shall be held at least once a year between January and April.
6.2. For a general meeting to be valid, at least 51% of the members must be present. If fewer than 51% of the members are present, the meeting will be adjourned for at least one hour after the stipulated day and time of the meeting. The adjourned meeting shall be considered as valid with any number of members present.
6.3. During the General Meeting, the Coordinator or another member of the Board entrusted by the Board, shall present an administrative report to members and propose the way forward.
6.4. Decisions taken by the General meeting, except changes to these Terms of Reference, will require approval by a simple majority of those members present at the General Meeting.
- The Platform will operate as a cost centre, subject to the University’s financial regulations.
Approved by Senate on 14 May 2020