Courses and study-units

Course programmes and study-units with a maritime context delivered by the University of Malta


BIO1061 - Mediterranean Marine Environment
BIO1090 - Introduction to Conservation Biology
BIO1100 - An Introduction to Marine Biology
BIO1200 - Topics in Marine Biology
BIO1300 - An Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture
BIO3060 - Field Biology - Coastal and Marine Habitats
BIO3070 - Studies in Conservation Biology
BIO3080 - Introduction to Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries and other Biological Resources
BIO3100 - Marine Biology
BIO3510 - Conservation genetics
BIO5003 - The Marine Environment: Biological Patterns, Processes and Resources

Commercial Law

CML1000 - Law of Commercial Procedure: Company, Shipping, Aviation and Intellectual Property Procedure
CML4012 - Aspects of International Commercial and Business Law
CML4016 - Core Issues of Maritime Shipping Law
CML5000 - Asset Finance Law (Ships and Aircrafts)
CML5043 - Maritime Law for Engineers
CML5047 - Core Issues and Developments of Maritime Shipping Law


CRI2015 - Maritime Domains and Crime
CRI3012 - Migration Crime and Borders
CRM2002 - Introduction to Incident Command

Civil and Structural Engineering

CVE5661 - Civil Engineering Structures

Civil Law

CVL 5045 - Refugee Law and Advocacy

Diplomatic Studies

DST5104 - International Law


ECN2141 - Economics of Environmental Policy
ECN5015 - Economics and the Marine Environment
ECN5217 - Environmental and Resource Economics

Environmental Management and Planning

EMP2002 - Ocean Systems

Electrical Engineering

EPC4203 - Electrical Transportation Technologies



ENR5016 - Engineering Management 1
ENR5017 - Maritime Resistance Characterisation and Propulsion Systems
ENR5018 - Health and Safety, Risk Assessment and Accidents
ENR5019 - Project in Maritime Engineering

Environmental and Resources Law

ERL5003 - The Contemporary Definition of Ocean Governance
ERL5004 - Regulation and Governance for the Conservation of Living Marine Resources
ERL5005 - Regulating Sustainable Use of the Oceans
ERL5006 - Ocean Policy Making: Application of Policy Measures to Specific Ocean Issues
ERL5007 - Dissertation
ERL5013 - Port Activities and the Environment


GEO1016 - Fieldwork in Physical Geography
GEO2008 - Geomorphology: Basic Principles, Methods and Applications
GEO2009 - Landscapes, Natural Hazards and Human Opportunities
GEO2020 - Coastal Processes and Landforms
GEO3001 - Coastal and Marine Management
GEO3009 - Ocean Processes and Marine Management: Spatial and Resource Perspective
GEO3022 - Coastal Geomorphology: Physical Processes and Shoreline Management
GEO3087 - Physical Geography of the Mediterranean
GEO5012 - Cultural and Geographic Landscapes in Tourism


GSC1200 - Introduction to Physical Oceanography
GSC1201 - Introduction to Oceanography
GSC2102 - Earth Surface Processes; Hydrology and Hydrogeology
GSC2200 - Dynamics of Oceans and Atmosphere
GSC3100 - Applied Geophysics
GSC3102 - Marine Geology and Ocean Surveying
GSC3110 - Geoenvironmental Hazards and Related Risks
GSC3201 - Computational Fluid Mechanics
GSC5101 - Global Ocean Governance Framework and Managing our Relations with the Oceans
GSC5102 - Managing Marine Space and its Potential as an Economic Resource - Project Study
GSC5103 - Multilateral Diplomacy and International Rule-making and Regional Sea Governance Policy Simulation Exercise
GSC5100 - Oceanography for Engineers
GSC5200 - Geology 1
GSC5501 - Theoretical Baseline of Oceanography
GSC5502 - Hands-on Oceanography
GSC5503 - Ocean Informatics
GSC5504 - Instrumentation and Ocean Data Systems
GSC5505 - Marine Environmental Management
GSC5506 - Ocean Modelling
GSC5507 - Ocean Science Communication
GSC5508 - Oceanography Boot Camp
GSC5509 - An introduction to ocean governance and policy-making
GSC5510 - Applications and Services in Operational Oceanography
GSC5511 - Work Placement

Earth Systems

IES5130 - Earth Observation of Marine/Coastal Processes and Trends
IES5131 - Fundamentals of Sustainability

International Law

INL3000 - Selected Topics in International Law
INL4001 - Global Maritime Security and International Law
INL4003 - Selected Topics in the Law of the Sea
INL5007 - International Migration Law
INL5011 - Contemporary Threats to Maritime Security
INL5013 - The Human Element of Maritime Crime: Migrant Smuggling, Human Trafficking and Stowaways
INL5014 - International Law of the Sea
INL5027 - International Law and Forced Migration
INL5028 - Introduction to the Law of the Sea
INL5029 - Port Security

International Relations

IRL5051 - Legal Dimensions of Humanitarian Action

Liberal Arts and Sciences

LAS1088 - Understanding Maritime Boundary Disputes: Laws and Geography of Maritime Delimitation

Mechanical Engineering

MEC3010 - Naval Architecture
MEC4002 - Engineering Analysis of Composite Structures
MEC4011 - Power Plants
MEC4016 - Maritime Hydrodynamics, Manoeuvrability and Interaction
MEC4017 - Maritime Resistance and Propulsion
MEC4018 - Ship Structures
MEC5010 - Fundamentals of Ship Science
MEC5011 - Structural Mechanics for Maritime Applications
MEC5012 - Maritime Safety and the Environment
MEC5013 - Manoeuverability Modelling Techniques
MEC5014 - Condition Monitoring and Systems
MEC5015 - Offshore Renewables and Water Treatment

Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

MME5020 - Materials for the Maritime Environment


PHY3212 - Science of the Ocean Floor
PHY3217 - Acoustic Remote Sensing and its Application in Marine Science

Public Law

PBL5044 - Human Rights: Migration, Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling


SCI5034 - Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods


SOC2010 - Environmental Sociology
SOC2347 - Maritime Sociology
SOC5019 - Introduction to Social Impact Assessment
SOC5024 - Environment and Society
SOC5031 - Project

Sustainable Energy

ISE1002 - A Non-Technical Introduction to Renewable Energy
ISE2106 - Energy Resources: Key Concepts and Case Studies
ISE5101 - Introduction to Sustainable Energy
ISE5103 - Renewable Energy Resources
ISE5209 - Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies

Tourism, Travel & Culture

TTC3252 - Blue Economy: Tourism Enterprise Management

Maritime-related research conducted at the University of Malta


Faculty of Arts

Department of Classics & Archaeology
Department of Geography 

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of ICT

Department of Artificial Intelligence

Faculty of Science

Department of Biology
Department of Geosciences

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