Our scope

University Maritime Platform (UMP)

  1. The University Maritime Platform (UMP) is a University of Malta (UM) wide collaboration to facilitate the interaction of all university entities and individual academics interested in maritime issues. To synergise, promote and facilitate research, education and training initiatives relating to maritime issues and the industry and to seek support and strengthening of relevant initiatives under the University framework and ensure long-term sustainability. 

  2. The aims of the Platform are:
    (a)   to act as a point of reference and influence maritime policy with respect to relevant national or international initiatives and programmes related to the Maritime area
    (b)   to collaborate inter alia with local and overseas clusters, centres, programmes, networks and individuals with similar purpose and scope
    (c)   to create and maintain an electronic portal for the publication, discussion and dissemination of knowledge in the Maritime area
    (d)   to investigate all possible sources of funding for research; national, international and relevant EU research programmes and to encourage and promote transdisciplinary project participation to exploit the identified funds
    (e)   to create possibilities for training, work-based placement, educational and research scholarships and exchange of expertise
    (f)   to hold meetings, lectures, seminars and conferences in collaboration with industry to present research ideas and work, work in progress and generally promote the sharing and dissemination of knowledge
    (g)   to collate the study units concerning maritime issues available at the University of Malta and influence new study units and programmes that may be offered in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
    (h)   to represent the University of Malta in its capacity as a corporate member of the Malta Maritime Forum (MMF) and to liaise between the University of Malta and the Malta Maritime Forum (MMF).

  3. The Platform is guided and overseen by the Board appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Rector and shall have the following structure:
    (a)   composed of a maximum of eleven persons
    (b)   the members of the board shall select two members from amongst themselves as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the board, provided that the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be academic members of staff of the University
    (c)   the representative of the University to the MMF, who shall be an academic member of staff appointed by the Rector
    (d)   the Administrative Director of the Corporate Research & Knowledge Transfer Office or his/her representative
    (e)   the Administrative Director of the Research Services Support Directorate Office or his/her representative
    (f)    at least one, but not more than four, persons external to the University and involved in the Maltese maritime sector
    (g)   the remaining members shall be academic members of staff of the University with engagements and expertise relevant to the maritime area
    (h)   the appointment of the chair, vice-chair and members of the Board shall be for one  year, which can be renewed
    (i)   the Board shall meet as required, face to face or virtually and shall occasionally invite representatives and experts from the maritime sector
    (j)   the quorum of the meetings of the Board shall be five members. The Board will regulate its own procedure, provided that every decision of the Board requires the approval of at least five members of the board.

  4. External Members from the Malta Maritime Industry
    The external members to the University, involved in the Maltese maritime sector, are nominated for a period of two years.  

  5. Membership of the University Maritime Platform
    (a)   Membership to platform is open to academic members of staff with a maritime interest who are willing to contribute towards the objectives of the platform.
    (b)   To attain membership, the applicants require the approval of the board of the platform, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  6. The Platform will operate as a cost centre, subject to the University’s financial regulations.
