Medicine and the Law Platform

Medicine and the Law Platform

  1. Medicine and the Law Platform is being set up within the Faculty of Laws as an initiative of the Department of Media, Communications & Technology Law.

  2. The aims of the Platform are the following:
    (a) to undertake, promote, facilitate and coordinate the study of medicine and the law
    (b) to design and support the delivery of study-units on medicine and the law at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, through the appropriate department/s in the Faculty of Laws and other Faculties, Institutes and Centres, including support of supervision of dissertations in the area of medicine and the law
    (c) to collaborate with local and foreign centres, programmes and individuals working in medicine and the law for research purposes
    (d) to encourage publication of research on medicine and the law subjects
    (e) such other aims which the Faculty of Laws may add from time to time.

  3. The Platform shall have the following structure:
    (a) a Board consisting of the Coordinator, appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Rector after consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Laws and four other members, appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Rector, after consultation with the Head of the Department of Media, Communications & Technology Law and the Dean of the Faculty of Laws
    (b) the Chairman shall be appointed by Senate, on the recommendation of the Rector chosen from amongst the members of the Board
    (c) the appointment of the Coordinator and the members of the Board shall be for one year, which can be renewed.

  4. The Platform will operate as a cost-centre, subject to the University’s financial regulations.

Approved by Senate on 17 May 2012, Revised in 2014 and on 9 May 2019

Members on the Board of the Medicine and Law Platform

Faculty of Laws

Professor Pierre Mallia (Chair)

Dr Daniel Bianchi (Coordinator)

Professor Simone Borg

Dr Mireille Caruana