Mediterranean Journal of Migration

Cover of the Journal

About the Journal

The Mediterranean Journal of Migration is a multidisciplinary refereed open-access online journal with a special focus on migration in the Mediterranean region. The Journal is produced by the Platform for Migration, based within the University of Malta.

The University of Malta Platform for Migration was set up to offer a dialogical space in which researchers from different academic disciplines can work towards understanding all the evolving aspects of international migration, with a focus on the Mediterranean region, with a view towards contributing to an equitable, more sustainable and more inclusive society.

Accordingly, the Mediterranean Journal of Migration aims to facilitate the dissemination of academic research related to migration. The journal is interested in accepting submissions which are research-based, including reviews of the relevant literature grounded in empirical research, and theoretical contributions (i.e. conceptual models, frameworks, etc.).

Latest Issues

Volume 1 Issue 1

Editorial Board

Prof. Rose Marie Azzopardi

Prof. Helen Grech

Prof. Maria Pisani

Prof. Isabelle Ragonesi 

Advisory Board

Prof. Dimitris Christopoulos – Political Faculty – Panteion University 

Prof. Russell King – Global Studies, University of Sussex

Prof. Sandra Levey – Communication department at Lehman College, New York

Prof. Camille Schmoll –   EHESS Paris/ Géographie-cités/ Institut Convergences Migrations

Prof. Vicki Squire – Political and International Studies – University of Warwick

Prof. Nikos Trimikliniotis – School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nicosia


The latest call for a abstracts for the third volume of this journal has closed on the 30th of November 2024. Submissions of the full articles are due by the end of January 2025. 

Interested authors wishing to submit in future issues are highly encouraged to contact the editorial board on

Guidelines for submissions

All articles submitted for consideration will first be assessed by the Editorial Board, to evaluate whether they are compatible with the Journal’s specific focus. Submissions deemed to be compatible will subsequently be subjected to double-blind peer review by relevant topic experts. 

The list below provides details to potential authors of the journal’s requirements:

  • Article length: 6,000 - 9,000 words (excluding references)
  • Referencing style: APA Style, 7th edition
  • Language: English (UK)
  • Manuscript submissions should include the following
    • Title page including the title of the manuscript and the names and institutional affiliations of the author(s), as well as complete contact details for the corresponding author.
    • Main text including an abstract (maximum 250 words), keywords (between 3 - 6), references, tables and/or figures where relevant, declaration of funding sources and/or conflicts of interest, and any special acknowledgements.
  • The articles must be focused on Migration in the Mediterranean Issues or else take a comparative approach including the Mediterranean as one of the comparisons.
  • Any articles referring to empirical studies with primary data collection involving individuals, must be submitted along with ethical clearance attained to carry out the study, either from a university or a reputable body (e.g. Ministry) which would have originally provided the clearance for the study to take place
  • The authors will be asked to submit along with the final version:
    • A disclaimer form to be provided by the Journal Administrators
    • A Turn it in or other relevant plagiarism check report
  • Any changes made in response to the reviewers’ comments must be submitted:
    • In track changes
    • With an accompanying table explaining where each of the reviewers’ comments have been taken into account.