Online Webinars
The Platform for Migration has organised a number of online webinars and events such as 'Migration - State and Human Security Perspectives', with speakers including Dr Derek Lutterbeck and Ms Teresa Quadt.
2023 Seminar
On the 10th of November 2023, the Platform for Migration organised a half-day seminar, whereby the current contemporary migration reality unfolding in Malta was analysed and discussed. The event focused working migrants reaching our islands and supporting our expanding economy. Integration and disintegration policies were discussed and contrasted through keynote speeches to better understand what is currently being done to give such migrants a sense of belonging or otherwise. A panel discussion with migrants, business representatives and local authorities followed.
Presence in other events
On the 10th of June 2024, the Platform for migration was present at the "Being SEU-EU" conference organised by the SEA-EU Alliance and the University of Malta,. Dr Maria Pisani, Chair of the Platform, presented the paper currently being written under the name of; "The Platform for Migration. Working at the Borderlands of Migration Research: The Gains, the Complexities and the Pains".
On the same day Dr Maria Pisani was present for a panel discussion with the Human Rights Observatory so as to present the Platform for Migration, what is our role, what we do and what we aspire to become in the future.
2024 Seminar
On the 6th of December 2024, the Platform organised its’ annual event entitled “UM research on Migration 2024: Theory, practice and beyond”. The aim of the event was that of presenting doctoral research around migration and generating a space for debate and dialogue which extends beyond theory and practice. Key experts on each topic joined the discussion and exchanged ideas, whilst attendees were also be given the space to join the conversation.The research studies presented were the following: "The Perinatal Health and Lived Experiences of Sub-Saharan African and Eastern European Migrant Women in Malta" by Christie Hili; "Xenophobic Hate Speech in Malta: A Critical Discourse Analytic Perspective of Times of Malta Comments" by Rebecca Vella Muscat and "Redefining Crimes Against Humanity: Migration Related State Policies as Crimes against Humanity According to Article 7 of the Rome Statute" by Teresa Nicolina Quadt. The event took place with the financial support of the International Relations Department and by the administrative support of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing
The Platform also encourages its members to participate in other events organised at a national level or by related NGOs in support of the various migrant groups in Malta.