Projects and publications

This page lists projects and publications related to MRI conducted by members of the platform.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. Bajada, C. J., Campos, L. Q. C., Caspers, S., Muscat, R., Parker, G. J., Ralph, M. A. L., ... & Trujillo-Barreto, N. J. (2020). A tutorial and tool for exploring feature similarity gradients with MRI data. NeuroImage221, 117140. DOI:
  2. Bugain, M., Dimech, Y., Torzhenskaya, N., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Caspers, S., Muscat, R., & Bajada, C. J. (2021). Occipital Intralobar fasciculi: a description, through tractography, of three forgotten tracts. Communications biology4(1), 433. DOI:
  3. Ciantar, K. G., Farrugia, C., Galdi, P., Scerri, K., Xu, T., & Bajada, C. J. (2022). Geometric effects of volume-to-surface mapping of fMRI data. Brain Structure and Function227(7), 2457-2464. DOI:
  4. Farrugia, C., Galdi, P., Irazu, I. A., Scerri, K., & Bajada, C. J. (2024). Local gradient analysis of human brain function using the Vogt-Bailey Index. Brain Structure and Function, 1-16. DOI:
  5. Hui C.N. S, Mikkelsen, M., Zöllner, H. J., Ahluwalia, V., Alcauter, S., Baltusis, L., Barany, D. A., Barlow, L., Becker, R. E., Berman, J., Berrington, A., Bhattacharyya, P. K., Jakob U. B, Bogner, W., Brown, M. S., Calhoun, V. D., Castillo, R., Cecil, K. M., Yeo B. C, ... Edden, A.E R. (2021). Frequency drift in MR spectroscopy at 3T. NeuroImage, 241, 118430–118430. DOI:


Abstracts and Conference Proceedings

  1. Bajada, C. J., Costa Campos, L. Q., Schreiber, J., Muscat, R., & Caspers, S. (2019). A novel constraint for anatomical tractography in the brainstem. OAR@UM.
  2. Farrugia, C., Smith, R., & Bajada, C. J. (2023). Effects of preprocessing on local homogeneity of fMRI data. OAR@UM.

Electrode modelling for applications of Functional Electrical Stimulation

Project overview: The research focuses on optimising the design of skin surface electrodes that are used for Functional Electrical Stimulation. Applications include bladder or bowel control and strengthening of limbs after some injury or damage to the spine. Mathematical modelling employing a Finite Element Method is utilised in conjunction with MRI data to create a more complex, realistic model based on human anatomy. The electrode geometry can be tailored to maximise activation of the targeted nerve while minimising the current density around the electrode edge, which causes burns and tissue trauma.

Principal investigator: Prof. Cristiana Sebu

Lead researcher: Mary Grace Cassar

Investigation of the Effect of Different Functional MRI Sequences on Local Homogeneity Measures: Implications for Neuroimaging Studies.

Project overview: The spatial resolution of fMRI studies determines the accuracy by which local correlations are localised. However, fMRI studies typically use large voxel volumes which translate to poor spatial resolution. Consequently, fMRI studies are highly susceptible to the partial volume effect which reduces the probability of detecting and accurately localising local correlations, and could result in the introduction of artificial correlations. This project investigates local homogeneity measures in task-based fMRI across various voxel volumes, which could help in optimising the pulse sequences currently employed with fMRI.

Principal investigator: Dr. Claude Julien Bajada

Lead researcher: Kristian Galea


Localisation of brain activity for unobtrusive Brain-Computer Interfaces

Project overview: Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) that exploit standard Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs) make use of electrodes positioned at the back of the head. As a result such BCIs are often bulky and have limited portability. This project focuses on improving their practicality and accessibility - whilst retaining their high performance - by investigating the possibility of placing the electrodes behind the ears. To this end, functional MRI and high-density electroencephalography (EEG) are employed for source location of SSVEPs, as well as to study the stimuli that enhance the relevant brain signals.

Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Kenneth P. Camilleri

Lead researcher: Cheryl Gilford


Investigating the neural regional homogeneity changes underlying sexual arousal in sexually asymptomatic bisexual women

Project overview: This study looks into the neural regional homogeneity alterations that occur during sexual arousal in sexually asymptomatic bisexual women. It aims to further our understanding of the physiological mechanisms that underlie sexual arousal and consequently of female sexuality, helping to shed light on the causes of sexual disorders and to enhance holistic sexual healthcare.

Principal investigator: Dr Claude Julien Bajada

Lead researcher: Antonella Bugeja

Decoding Orofacial Rhythms and Oscillations: MRI-Based neuroimaging in a Jew's harp musician (DOROMB)

Project overview: The goal of this project is to identify the mouth and tongue movements performed by a musician who plays the Jew’s harp whilst simultaneously recording their brain activity.

Principal investigator: Dr Claude Julien Bajada

Lead researcher: Dr Claude Julien Bajada


MRI travelling heads study

Project overview: This study makes use of neural data to create models that can predict a wide range of cognitive characteristics with high accuracy at the individual subject level. A crucial part of the project requires harmonisation of measurements across countries and scanners. To this end, several participants (all collaborators in the COST action) are scanned on multiple scanners in various countries to calibrate the measurements.

Principal investigator: Dr Claude Julien Bajada

Lead researcher: Dr Rachel Cassar


Use of MRI images to determine dielectric properties

Project overview: This project investigates whether any correlation exists between the dielectric properties of different liquid solutions and the way the liquids are rendered in an MRI scan, and if so, the possibility of using these correlations to infer dielectric properties of human tissue from MR images.

Principal investigator: Dr Julian Bonello

Lead researcher: Dr Julian Bonello