Dr Aaron Aquilina
Room 110A
GCP Building
University of Malta
- ENG1076 - Genre: Prose
- ENG1276 - The Detective Story
- ENG2022 - Theories of Literature 2: Literature Criticism Theory - Then and Now
- ENG2063 - Theories of Literature 3: Gender and Power
- ENG2067 - Chaucer and Medieval Literature
- ENG2078 - Writing Seminars 2
- ENG2087 - Creative Writing 1
- ENG2092 - Travel Writing
- ENG2122 - Theories of Literature 2: Literature Criticism Theory - Then and Now (Part 1)
- ENG2173 - Modern Drama
- ENG3051 - Synoptic Study-Unit 1: Ideas and Concepts
- ENG3052 - Synoptic Study-Unit 2: Readings, Interpretations, Applications
- ENG3074 - Techniques of Close Reading and Comparative Literature
- ENG3087 - Creative Writing 2
- ENG3113 - Creative Writing: Undergraduate Tutorials and Mentoring
- ENG5073 - Putting Modernism Together
- ENG5074 - Voice and Diversity
- ENG5075 - Critical and Creative Writing
- ENG5100 - Critical Debates in Literary Studies
- ENG5101 - Writing the Mediterranean 1
- ENG5102 - Writing the Mediterranean 2
- ENG5119 - Creative Writing: Postgraduate Tutorials and Mentoring