BUCHANAN, M.T. and GELLEL, A., eds, 2019. Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Volum II: Learning and Leading ina Pluralist World. Spiringer.
GELLEL, A., 2019. Children and Spirituality. In: L. ZSOLNAI and B. FLANAGAN, eds, The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions. London: Routledge, pp. 120-126.
GELLEL, A., 2019. The Power of Symbols in Pop Music: A case study of 2017 hits. In: M. STRAMAGLIA, ed, Pop Cultures: Sconfinamenti alterdisicplinari. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, pp. 87-112.
GELLEL, A., 2019. Rethinking Catholic Religious Education in the Light of Divine Pedagogy. In: M.T. BUCHANAN and A. GELLEL, eds, Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools
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SULTANA, R., GELLEL, A. and CARUANA, S., 2019. Teacher Education in Malta. In: K.G. KARRAS and C.C. WOLHUTER, eds, International Handbook of Teacher Education Worldwide. Vol. 2. 2nd edn. Nicosia: HM Books, pp. 397-414.
GELLEL, A., 2018. The language of Spirituality. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 23(1), pp. 17-29.
GELLEL, A., 2018. Metaphors and Symbols in Popular Music as exemplified in Katy Perry’s Music and Music Videos. In: A. HÄGER , ed, Religion and Popular Music: Artists, Fans and Cultures. London: Bloomsbury Academic., pp. 11-27.
GELLEL, A., 2018. Towards a Symbol Literacy Approach in the Education of Children. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 23(2), pp. 109-121.
GELLEL, A., 2017. Putting Catholic Religious Education on the Map. Revista Pistis & Praxis: Teologia e Pastoral, 9(3), pp. 699-720.
GELLEL, A. and ROSSI, C., 2017. Of Lamps & Clay Vessels: towards the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning of Youth Leaders in church Youth Groups. Malta: Pastoral Formation Institute and Malta Catholic Youth Network.
GELLEL, A. and IMBARACK DAGACH, P., 2016. La educación como un ministerio central de la comunidad católica. PEL Pensiamento Educativo, 53(2), pp. 1-4.
BUCHANAN, M.T. and GELLEL, A., eds, 2015. Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Netherlands: Springer.
GELLEL, A., 2015. The Interdisiplinary Imperative of Catholic Religious Eductaion. In: M.T. BUCHANAN and A. GELLEL, eds, Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 23.
GELLEL, A., 2014. An Emerging Approach to Spiritual Development through Religious Education in Maltese Schools
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GELLEL, A., 2013. Popular Music as a resource for the Religious Education Classroom. A study through Lady Gaga's Judas. Religious Education Journal of Australia, 29(1), pp. 28-33.
GELLEL, A., 2013. Responding to the challengs of Globalization through an education anchored in Christian anthropology. In: M.T. BUCHANAN, ed, Leaderships and Religious Schools: International perspectives and challenges. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 13-31.
GELLEL, A., 2013. Traces of Spirituality in the Lady Gaga Phenomenon. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 18(2), pp. 214-226.
GELLEL, A. and SULTANA, M., 2012. Aspects of Feminine Spirituality in the Maltese Village Festa. In: R. GOTHONI, ed, Religious Experience. North and South. Bern, Swizerland: Peter Lang, pp. 199-229.
GELLEL, A., 2012. The spiritual life of Maltese adolescents attending Catholic Schools. In: T. VAN DER ZEE and T. LOVAT J., eds, New Perspectives on Religious and Spiritual Education. Munster: Waxmann, pp. 235-250.
GELLEL, A., 2011. Adaptive Religious Education at the service of inventiveness: A scientific way of being creative and effective in Religious Education. The Person and the Challenges: The Journal of Theology, Education Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, 1(1), pp. 99-111.
GELLEL, A. and BUCHANAN, M.T., 2011. The Impact of cultural religious values upon pre-service teachers perceptions of their role as educators in Catholic religious schools. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 32(2), pp. 317-327.