Analisa Scerri is an Assistant Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Proficiency where she teaches on the Communication and Academic Skills Programme and the M.A. in Applied Linguistics and TESOL.
She read for her undergraduate degree at the University of Malta, followed by an MSc in TESOL at Aston University, Birmingham. She is currently reading for her Ph.D in Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the University of Malta and her main research interests are in applied linguistics and academic literacy.
Before joining the University of Malta, Analisa was a senior lecturer at MCAST, where she used to teach on English for Business courses at various levels.
Applied Linguistics
English Language Proficiency
Reader Engagement
Academic Discourse
Academic Literacy
CSP2001 - Communication and Academic Skills 2: Arts and Humanities
CSP2002 - Communication and Academic Skills 2: Life Sciences
CSP2003 - Communication and Academic Skills 2: Physical Sciences
CSP2004 - Communication and Academic Skills 2: Social Sciences