Arnold Cassola is Professor of Maltese and Comparative Literature at the University of Malta. He has also taught at the Universities of Catania (1981-1983) and Roma "La Sapienza" (1983-1988). He co-founded Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party in 1989 and was elected Secretary General of the European Green Party in Brussels (1999-2006) and Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2006-2008). He is the author of scores of academic publications and books, amongst which The Biblioteca Vallicelliana "Regole per la lingua maltese" (1992), ll "Mezzo Vocabolario" Maltese-Italiano del '700 (1996), The 1565 Ottoman "Malta Campaign Register" (1998), L'italiano di Malta (1998), The 1565 Great Siege of Malta and Hipolito Sans's "La Maltea" (1999), The Literature of Malta: an example of Unity in Diversity (2000), El Gran Sitio de Malta 1565 (2002), Francesco Vella (1793-1868) - an unsung protagonist of Maltese language development (2003) and Garibaldi, Capuana, Rizzo - due italiani a Malta, un italo-maltese a Tunisi (2007), Lost Maltese newspapers of the 19th Century (2011) and Malta - People, Toponymy, Language (4th Century B.C. - 1600) (2011).The Belgian Memoirs of a Maltese Intellectual – Giovan Francesco Buonamico (1639 – 1680), Malta, Bank ofValletta, 2012. The German Memoirs of aMaltese Intellectual – Giovan Francesco Buonamico (1639 – 1680), Malta, ProMinentFluid Controls Ltd., 2013. Malta-Pachino: una storia in comune (with Silvio Aliffi), Siracusa,Morrone Editore, 2014. The 1565 Great Siege of Malta and Hipólito Sans's LA MALTEA, Kindle Edition, ASIN:B00SN42B5W, 2015. I Maltesi di Trapani (1419 -1455), Malta, Malta University Press, 2015. Malta-Sicily –People, Patriots, Commerce (1770-1860), Malta-Siracusa, Morrone Editore, 2016. Giovan Francesco Buonamico (1639-1680) =JMS 29 (co-eds. Giovanni Bonello-BernardMicallef), Malta, Midsea Books, 2017. Süleyman the Magnificentand Malta 1565 - Decisions, Concerns, Consequences, Malta-Siracusa, Morrone Editore, 2017. I Maltesi di Vittoria e Scoglitti (1628-1846) (con la collaborazione diSalvatore Palmeri di Villalba), Malta-Siracusa, Morrone Editore, 2018. The Johannes Genadius Maltese Treasure Trove in Athens (with Giovanni Bonello, Theresa Vella and WilliamZammit), Malta, Malta University Press, 2019