Before joining the University of Malta, Dr. Spiteri had worked as a school social worker at the Education Department and then as a teacher and guidance teacher at school for teenage boys who presented challenges when attending mainstream schools. He then worked as a focal person at the anti-substance abuse unit of the Education Department before joining MCAST where he lectured in health and social care for roughly ten years. He interrupted his work at MCAST to lecture in social work at the University of Strathclyde between 2010 and 2011 and at the University of York between 2016 and 2018. At the University of York, Dr. Spiteri lectured on the Think Ahead Program which is a specialized program oriented to the training of mental health social workers.
Dr. Spiteri has also been the invited speaker at various prestigious international events including the Westminster Higher Education Forum. He has also written a book on migrant education entitled “Multiculturalism, Higher Education, and Intercultural Communication” which has been published in the Palgrave Studies in Global Citizenship and Democracy Series. He has published several articles and book chapters on different aspects of social work and social policy, many of them which have an additional focus on education, granted his extensive experience in the education sector.
Dr. Spiteri is a warranted social worker and also a warranted teacher. Research is an important part of his work at university, yet, he also has a regular teaching load, and is also a supervisor to doctoral students.