MITTERER, H., 2018. Not all geminates are created equal: Evidence from Maltese glottal consonants. Journal of Phonetics, 66, pp. 28-44.
MITTERER, H., REINISCH, E. and MCQUEEN, J.M., 2018. Allophones, not phonemes in spoken-word recognition. Journal of Memory and Language, 98, pp. 77-92.
MITTERER, H. and REINISCH, E., 2015. Letters don’t matter: No effect of orthography on the perception of conversational speech. Journal of Memory and Language, 85, pp. 116-134.
MITTERER, H., SCHARENBORG, O. and MCQUEEN, J.M., 2013. Phonological abstraction without phonemes in speech perception. Cognition, 129(2), pp. 356-361.
BROUWER, S., MITTERER, H. and HUETTIG, F., 2012. Speech reductions change the dynamics of competition during spoken word recognition. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27(4), pp. 539-571.
SJERPS, M.J., MITTERER, H. and MCQUEEN, J.M., 2011. Listening to different speakers: On the time-course of perceptual compensation for vocal-tract characteristics. Neuropsychologia, 49(14), pp. 3831-3846.
MITTERER, H. and MCQUEEN, J.M., 2009. Foreign subtitles help but native-language subtitles harm foreign speech perception. PloS one, 4(11), pp. e7785.
MITTERER, H. and DE RUITER, J.P., 2008. Recalibrating color categories using world knowledge. Psychological Science, 19(7), pp. 629-634.
MITTERER, H. and ERNESTUS, M., 2008. The link between speech perception and production is phonological and abstract: Evidence from the shadowing task. Cognition, 109(1), pp. 168-173.
MITTERER, H. and ERNESTUS, M., 2006. Listeners recover/t/s that speakers reduce: Evidence from/t/-lenition in Dutch. Journal of Phonetics, 34(1), pp. 73-103.
MITTERER, H. and BLOMERT, L., 2003. Coping with phonological assimilation in speech perception: Evidence for early compensation. Perception & psychophysics, 65(6), pp. 956-969.