Jelena is a Lecturer in European and Comparative Law within the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta. Before joining the University of Malta in 2016 she had read the degrees of Ph.D. at King's College London, LL.M in European and International Law at London Metropolitan University and LL.B at the MESI. Her Ph.D. thesis focused on the EU Member States' compliance with judgments of the CJEU on so-called "Golden Share" cases. Jelena's academic interests lie broadly in the areas of financial law and regulation, EU law, corporate law and the law of the Internal Market, with a particular focus on regulation of cross-border investment. Her research often takes a transnational, European or comparative perspective and applies an interdisciplinary approach to law.
Prior to joining the University, Jelena worked with an environmental NGO as EU Policy Researcher and as an in-house counsel with a Latvian software development company.
EST2060 - The Law of the Internal Market of the European Union
Affiliations and memberships:
Jelena is a an Associate of King's College London (AKC), a member of the editorial board for King's Student Law Review (KSLR), editor at Id-Dritt legal journal and a member of Society of Legal Scholars (SLS). General Secteraty for University of Malta Academic Staff Association
J. Agranovska, 'EU Law in the Republic of Malta – The Judicial Protection point of view', in The Implementation and Enforcement of European Union Law in Small Member States - A Case Study of Malta by J. Agranovska and I. Sammut (Eds.), IV, 288, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021,
J. Agranovska, 'A case-study of Latvia' in Implementing and Enforcing EU Criminal Law - Theory and Practice, by J. Agranovska and I. Sammut (Eds.), 342 pages, Eleven International Publishing; 1st edition, January 2020
J. Agranovska, 'Topic III: The external dimension of the EU policies: horizontal issues, trade and investment, immigration and asylum: Malta', Estoril, Portugal, May 2018
J. Ganza, 'Golden Share protectionism, presentation of research results and outlining future research potential for the panel of academics representing Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh, 14 May 2015
J. Ganza, 'Free movement of capital and Golden Shares in Volkswagen: unexpected twist or foreseeable outcome?', KSLR EU Law Blog, 2014, tag=golden-shares#.YBp4G-hKiUk
J. Ganza, 'Resistance to Compliance: Is there a future for Golden Shares within the EU?', International Graduate Legal Research Conference (IGLRC), King's College London, 14 April 2014
J. Ganza, 'Regulating the Behavior of European Member States: Golden Shares and Compliance', Multidisciplinary Ph.D. Research Conference, Regulating Behavior: Law, Theory and Practice, University of Birmingham, September 2012