Dr Jonathan Borg

Dr Jonathan Borg

Dr Jonathan Borg

  • EDS5005 - Educational Contexts: Curricula and Pedagogies
  • IAL1009 - Home-School-Professionals Collaboration: A Transdiscpilinary Approach
  • IAL1027 - Foundations of Inclusive Education
  • IAL2001 - Universal Design for Learning in Early Years
  • IAL2005 - Parental Involvement
  • IAL2011 - Cooperative and Collaborative Learning
  • IAL2020 - Addressing Disability and Planning Inclusive Strategies
  • IAL2022 - Designing and Evaluating IEPs - Advanced
  • IAL3004 - Early Childhood Intervention: A Family Centred Approach
  • IAL3013 - Sexual and Gender Diversity in Education
  • IAL5006 - Secondary Classroom as a Positive Educational Space
  • IAL5007 - The Primary Classroom as a Positive Educational Space
  • INE3626 - Person Centred Planning - Early Intervention Techniques, School and Community
