Jonathan C. Borg graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malta in 1989. For 3 years he worked with the Maltese Water Authority, responsible for the management and application of CAED systems used in designing RO plants. During this period, he also formed part of a team that developed a computational model of the water aquifer. In 1992 he joined the University to lecture and perform research in product development including Engineering Design and Computer Aided X. His qualifications include an M.Sc. in Computer Aided Engineering Design (1993) and a Ph.D. in concurrent product design (1999), both from the University of Strathclyde (UK). In 1990 he was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship on CADCAM held at Hong Kong Polytechnic. From March 2001 he served for 12 years as
Head of the Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering.
In 2005, he set up the MSc in Integrated Product Development (IPD). In Oct 2012, he spent a 2 year sabbatical carrying out research in IPD & following development activities in industry. In 2014, he co-founded the
'International PhD Summer School on Integrated Product Development' that is endorsed by the Design Society. Since 2019 he Chairs the Faculty's Industrial Advisory Board.
Since 2002, he has been appointed by the EC as expert evaluator for various projects related to ICT in Design & Manufacturing. In 2020 & 2022, he Chaired the European Research Council's Starting Grants evaluation panel for Products & Processes. In May 2003, he was awarded a Medal of Appreciation by the UK Institution of Engineering Designers at the House of Commons, London and since June 2017, made Honorary Professor at the University of Miskolc (HU). He has held a number of international appointments including member of number of scientific advisory committees. He has published over
130 peer reviewed scientific publications and leads the Concurrent Engineering Resarch Unit (CERU).
BORG, J., C. and FARRUGIA, P., J., 2014. An ‘Engustrial Design’ Experiential Education Approach, Proceedings of the DesignEd Asia Conference 2014, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2014.
FRANCALANZA, E., BORG, J., C. and CONSTANTINESCU, C., 2014. Deriving a Systematic Approach to Changeable Manufacturing System Design. Variety Management in Manufacturing, Procedia CIRP, 17, pp. 166-171.
FENECH, O.C. and BORG, J.C., 2007. Exploiting Emotions for Successful Product Design, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED '07 2007.
BORG, J.C., FARRUGIA, P.J. and CAMILLERI, K.P., 2004. Knowledge Intensive Design Technology. Kluwer Academic.
YAN, X.T., BORG, J.C. and JUSTER, N.P., 2001. Concurrent modelling of components and realization systems to support proactive design for manufacture/assembly. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 215, pp. 1135-1136-1141.
BORG, J.C., X.T., Y. and JUSTER, N.P., 2000. Exploring Decisions Influence on Life-Cycle Performance To Aid "Design For Multi-X. International Journal Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design & Manufacture, 14, pp. 91-92-113.
BORG, J., BONELLO, P. and CIANTAR, C., 1997. A Computer Based Tool For The Design And Manufacture Of Automatic Lathe Cams. International Journal, Computers In Industry, 34, pp. 11-12-26.