Joseph Cacciottolo qualified in medicine in London and holds the MD degree from the University of Malta. He underwent postgraduate training in internal medicine and respiratory disorders in England. He later trained in cardiovascular epidemiology at the University of Dundee, as a World Health Organization Fellow, and at the University of Eastern Finland from where he was awarded the DSc degree for his thesis on Control of Cardiovascular Diseases in the Maltese Community. As consultant physician he also taught clinical medicine and held an International Fellowship of the American Association for Respiratory Care. He is a Fellow of several medical professional Colleges.
At the University of Malta, Professor Cacciottolo is Pro-Rector for Academic Affairs and is involved in many aspects of higher education. He is Member of Council and Senate and chairs the Programme Validation Committee, the Doctoral School Academic Committee and Boards of several other University entities. Professor Cacciottolo is a member of the Faculty of Arts and has an interest in cross-disciplinary studies. He is Co-Chair of the Humanities, Medicine and Science Platform, which he led for ten years. He read Classical Studies at the University of Cambridge.
Professor Cacciottolo is a Member of the Malta Guardianship Board and of the Ministry of Health Live Organ Transplant Advisory Committee. He forms part of the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority Advisory Board. In 2021 he was appointed Member of the National Order of Merit of Malta.