J. SULTANA, 2019. Obtaining anaytical approximations to black hole solutions in higher-derivative gravity using the homotopy analysis method. European Physical Journal Plus, 134(111),.
J. SULTANA, F. MELIA, D. KAZANAS, 2019. Testing viable f(R) models with the angular-diameter distance to compact quasar cores. Physical Review D, 99(10), pp. 103505.
C. FARRUGIA, J. SULTANA AND J. MIFSUD, 2018. Endowing Lambda with a dynamical nature: constraints in a spatially curved universe. arXiv:1812.02790, .
JOSEPH SULTANA AND DEMOSTHENES KAZANAS, 2018. A no-hair theorem for spherically symmetric black holes in R^2-gravity. General Relativity and Gravitation, 50(11), pp. 237.
C. FARRUGIA AND J. SULTANA, 2017. The effects of spatial curvature on cosmic evolution. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 26(10), pp. 1750115.
C. FARRUGIA AND J. SULTANA, 2017. Thermodynamic geodesics of a Reissner Nordstrom black hole. General Relativity and Gravitation, 49, pp. 4.
J. SULTANA AND D. KAZANAS, 2017. Gauge Choice in Conformal Gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466, pp. 4847.
J. SULTANA AND D. KAZANAS, 2017. The Rh = ct universe in alternative theories of gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472(3), pp. 2583.
J. SULTANA, 2016. The Rh = ct universe and quintessence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 457, pp. 212.
D. KAZANAS, J. L. RACUSIN, J, SULTANA, AND A. MASTICHIADIS, 2015. The Statistics of BAT-to-XRT Flux Ratio in GRBs: Evidence for a Characteristic Value and
its Implications, The Astrophysical Journal, 802, pp. 83.
J. SULTANA, 2015. Comment on "Varying-G Cosmology with Type Ia Supernovae". American Journal of Physics, 83, pp. 570.
J. SULTANA, 2015. Generating time dependent conformally coupled Einstein-scalar solutions. General Relativity and Gravitation, 47, pp. 73.
J. SULTANA AND B. BOSE, 2015. Particle collisions near a Kerr-like black hole in Brans-Dicke theory. Physical Review D, 92, pp. 104022.
J. SULTANA AND B. BOSE, 2015. Scalar fields and particle accelerators. Physical Review D, 91, pp. 124046.
J. SULTANA AND D. KAZANAS, 2015. Inertia in Friedmann Universes with variable G and Lambda. Astrophysics and Space Science, 359, pp. 9.
D. KAZANAS, J. L. RACUSIN, J, SULTANA, AND A. MASTICHIADIS, 2014. The Statistics of the Prompt-to-Afterglow GRB Flux Ratios and the Supercritical Pile GRB
Model, Proceedings of the 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: , 15-19 September 2014 2014.
J. SULTANA, 2014. The Sagnac effect in conformal Weyl gravity. General Relativity and Gravitation, 46, pp. 1710.
J. SULTANA, B. BOSE, AND D. KAZANAS, 2014. Neutron star structure in the presence of a conformally coupled scalar field. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 23, pp. 1450090.
J. L. SAID, J. SULTANA AND K. ZARB ADAMI, 2013. Gravitomagnetic effects in conformal gravity. Physical Review D, 88, pp. 087504.
J. SULTANA, 2013. Contribution of the cosmological constant to the bending of light in Kerr-de Sitter spacetime. Physical Review D, 88, pp. 042003.
J. SULTANA, 2013. Deflection of light to second order in conformal Weyl gravity. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 4, pp. 48.
J. SULTANA, D. KAZANAS, AND A. MASTICHIADIS, 2013. The supercritical pile gamma-ray burst model: The GRB afterglow steep-decline-and-plateau phase. The Astrophysical Journal, 779, pp. 16.
J. L. SAID, J. SULTANA, AND K. ZARB ADAMI, 2012. Charged cylindrical black holes in conformal gravity. Physical Review D, 86, pp. 104009.
J. L. SAID, J. SULTANA, AND K. ZARB ADAMI, 2012. Exact static cylindrical solution to conformal Weyl gravity. Physical Review D, 85, pp. 104054.
J. SULTANA AND D. KAZANAS, 2012. Bending of light in modified gravity. Physical Review D, 85, pp. 081502.
J. SULTANA, D. KAZANAS, AND J. L. SAID, 2012. Conformal Weyl gravity and perihelion precession. Physical Review D, 86, pp. 084008.
J. SULTANA, D. KAZANAS, AND K. FUKUMURA, 2012. Luminosity correlations for gamma ray bursts and implications for their prompt and afterglow emission mechanisms. The Astrophysical Journal, 758, pp. 32.
J. SULTANA AND D. KAZANAS, 2011. The problem of inertia in Friedmann universes. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 20, pp. 1205.
J. SULTANA AND D. KAZANAS, 2010. Bending of light in conformal Weyl gravity. Physical Review D, 81, pp. 127502.
J. SULTANA AND C. C. DYER, 2006. Dynamical Black Holes, “Beyond Einstein” – Physics for the 21st Century, 11-15 July 2005 2006, ESA, pp. 1.
J. SULTANA AND C. C. DYER, 2005. Cosmological Black holes: a black hole in the
Einstein-de Sitter universe. General Relativity and Gravitation, 37, pp. 1349.
J. SULTANA AND C. C. DYER, 2004. Conformal Killing horizons. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 45, pp. 4764.