Justine Somerville graduated with B.A.(Hons) in Maltese, P.G.C.E., and an interdepartmental M.A. in Literary Tradition and Popular Culture. She is studying for a doctoral degree at the University of Malta. Her research investigates the relationship between memory and Maltese narrative fiction written from the seventies up till 2020. In 2021, she joined the academic staff at the University and started teaching Literature with the Department of Maltese within the Faculty of Arts. She taught Maltese in the Secondary Schools at St Theresa College (2015-2021). She served as a jury member on the adjudication board for the Terramaxka National Book Prize (2016-2020). She is a committee member of the NGO Inizjamed and part of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival’s organising team.
Literary representations of memory
Adaptation of Maltese literature to film
Literature in dialogue with other art forms
Feminist theory
Queer theory
MAL1071 - L-Adattament tal-letteratura Maltija għall-film
MAL2071 - Il-Poeżija Romantika: Zammit, Vassallo u Oħrajn